Our Commitment to Client Satisfaction

At Money Debt & Credit, we do everything we can to make sure our clients get the best possible service. We are committed to 100% client satisfaction. However, sometimes, we don’t get things right first time. If you’re not completely happy with our service, we’d like to hear about it. That way, we can do something to put it right as soon as we can.

We want to:

  • Make it easy for you to tell us about your complaint
  • Give your complaint the attention it deserves
  • Resolve your complaint without delay
  • Make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was resolved

How to tell us

If you’re not satisfied with any aspect of our service, you can tell us about your concern in the following ways:

By telephone on 01923 636 033. Our debt advisors are available from 9:00am to 7:30pm (Monday to Thursday) and 9:00am to 5:30pm (Friday).

By e-mail. Please note that additional personal information should not be included in this message for security reasons. We may respond by telephone or letter for the same reason.

What we will do

Step 1
We will log and acknowledge your complaint as soon as it is received and you will be given a reference number. If possible we will resolve your complaint by the end of the same business day but if it requires further investigation we will aim to have a resolution and issue a final response within 7 days.

Step 2
If your complaint is still unresolved within the 7 initial days we will have 8 weeks in which to investigate and issue a final response at which point you will be sent details of the Financial Ombudsman Service so that you have the option to contact them to facilitate a third party resolution.

Step 3
If after 8 weeks we are still not in a position to make a final response we’ll write to you giving the reasons why not and indicate when we expect to be able to give a final response.

The Debt Resolution Forum

We are members of the Debt Resolution Forum (DRF), a trade body whose members are committed to high standards. DRF has its own complaints procedure administered by an independent committee composed of experts from both inside and outside of the debt industry. If you are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint you are welcome to have it considered by the DRF. 
For more information, please see the DRF’S code of conduct.

You can write to the DRF to complain. You may find it more convenient and helpful to complete DRF’s complaint form, available on their website. If, for any reason, you would prefer a complaint form to be posted to you, please call DRF on 0161 905 9033.

Financial Ombudsman Service

If you believe that your complaint has not been fairly or effectively dealt with, you may refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This is the independent service for settling disputes between businesses providing financial services and their customers. You can find them on the web at: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk